First off, I am pleased -- no, thrilled -- to announce that I have finally finished my book of short stories. They're all horror stories, all set in New York City. I'm set to publish it in October. Currently I'm in the throes of editing and formatting the text, as well as working out the cover design. I've narrowed it down to two possible covers, but, as some of you may know, I have terrible trouble making decisions. For those who don't: I have terrible trouble making decisions. In that spirit, I cordially invite you to vote for your favorite book cover image:

2. The Scary-Picture-with-Clouds Cover

Please do vote for your favorites. Also, "You suck at Photoshop, get a real designer" is a valid vote. (Oh, and please note I am still tweaking the skeleton/Statue of Liberty Image.)
Get your votes in by September 19th!
Thanks everybody!
Number 2 FTW!
One vote for pulpy...
Pulpy for sure. For sure.
Yay!!!!! Pulp. The second one is purty too, but the first pops more! Can't wait.
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