There's a new-ish (well, new to me anyway)
Marie Dressler bio out that I'm dying to read. I find there aren't nearly enough book on my girls Marie and
Mabel so I'm super stoked about this one. I wish there was a major occasion coming up so somebody could buy it for me! (As well as a few other things on my wish list, including
The Suspicions of Mister Whicher.) For now, though, I am content to work my way through a re-reading of Ray Bradbury's Long After Midnight; I've also just picked up Switch Bitch (Roald Dahl) and The Yellow Dog (by Georges Simenon) at the ever-fabulous
NYPL, so I'm pretty much set for the next couple of weeks. I feel summer dwindling to a close and all I can think about is how much there is still to read. Subconsciously, I'll always feel like late August/early September means back to school, though those days are long gone for me ...
Perhaps that's what inspired this particularly bookish post?
Also, I've been reading about Tim Burton's
adaptation of Alice in Wonderland ... I sincerely hope he doesn't screw it up the way he did Sleepy Hollow. I loved the design of that movie, and I loved the casting (Depp, Walken and Ricci were all awesome) but I hated the tacked on story about Ichabod's mother being a witch (and a new agey Wiccan type at that)! Burton always gets to film my sacred texts, and while I clearly envy him for it, I'm also holding my breath over this one (I suppose Helena Bonham Carter will have to play the Red Queen, sigh)...
Helena Bonham Carter is a lot easier to enjoy if you always refer to her as Helena Buncha Cruncha (as some friends of mine insist on doing).
Hm. What a peculiar appellation!
It makes me think of bananas. And breakfast cereal.
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